
miercuri, aprilie 08, 2009



Prima declaraţie oficială
a protestatarilor de la Chişinău

Sîntem mulţi, sîntem tineri, sîntem uniţi!
Mergem pînă la capăt!
Nu ne mai puteţi controla!
Ne-am săturat să răbdăm un regim totalitar,
întreţinut prin frică şi teroare!
Comunismul este vinovat
de cel mai mare genocid din istorie!
Nu vrem să fim conduşi de cei care
ne-au ucis şi deportat părinţii şi bunicii!
Cerem demisia preşedintelui Voronin
şi interzicerea prin lege a partidului criminal comunist!
Nu vrem soluţii extreme –
cerem judecarea preşedintelui în baza Constituţiei!
Nu facem politica nimănui şi nu sîntem plătiţi de nimeni!
Nu avem culoare politică – sîntem puri şi transparenţi!
Jos magnaţii comunişti care ne trimit să muncim la negru
şi ne fură banii chiar din Western Union!
Mobila de lux şi parchetul din Preşedinţie şi Parlament
sînt cumpărate din procentele de la schimburile valutare!
Nu vrem în Italia, Portugalia, Spania!
Nu vrem în Canada sau la Moscova!
Vrem să muncim şi să fim plătiţi în ţara noastră!
Vrem un stat bazat pe respect şi pe încredere,
nu pe frică şi pe şantaj!
Jos frica, moldoveni!

Moldovan Community in the UK
demands new parliamentary elections in Moldova
and a political solution to the crisis

Moldovan Community in the UK denounces the results of the parliamentary elections that took place in Moldova on 5th April 2009, in which 50% of the votes were attributed to the ruling communist party. In our view the elections were rigged and unfair, because of the grave abuses committed by the ruling communist party not only on the day of elections and during the past electoral campaign, but over the last 8 years. These abuses intensified in the run up to the elections. The police and other state authorities have harassed opposition activists, media representatives and civil society groups. The state-owned media was heavily biased against opposition parties.
Fairness of the elections is out of the question in conditions where the largest part of the Moldovan population has been deprived of independent sources of information and continuously brain washed by soviet-style media controlled by the communist party.
Moldovan Community in the UK is expressing its support to the civil society in Moldova that calls for new elections in truly democratic conditions and disapproves violent actions.
For the second day around 50 Moldovans gathered in front of the Moldovan embassy in London to protest against the rigged elections and to condemn communism. Protesters, all Moldovan citizen and UK residents, expressed their support for the protests in Moldova and demanded new elections. They waved banners reading “Down with the communism!” and “Voronin stole our future”.
“We came here to show our support for our families and friends in Moldova who have been suffering for 8 years under an authoritarian regime installed by the former Soviet militia general Vladimir Voronin, a corrupt president who transformed Republic of Moldova into a private Ltd. in the benefit of his clan.
We cannot accept the results of the recent elections, we are certain the elections were rigged. “It is regrettable that the international observers who were supposed to ensure that Moldovan elections meet democratic standards were fooled like little children. They had no idea what communists are capable of”, said Mihai Coretchi, one of the organisers.
According to the Moldovan opposition, hundreds of thousands of deceased people appeared to have voted in these elections on 5th April 2009. There are also numerous allegations of repeat voting by communists’ supporters.
“Most of us here emigrated from our homeland because of the misery inflicted on our country by the criminal communist regime. We don’t need Brejnev’s clones at power anymore. We want Moldova to be ruled by young professionals who care about country’s future. We demand new elections in Moldova, under close and competent observation of independent experts”, stated Anatolie Mazur, one of the leaders of the protesting group.
The protesters said they regret the violence and unnecessary damages in Chisinau (the capital of Moldova), which were caused by instigators who infiltrated among peaceful demonstrators. “This is a typical KGB manoeuvre aimed to discredit the democratic parties and its supporters”, said one of the participants in the peaceful action.
The results of the votes cast by Moldovan citizen in the UK are dramatically different from those registered in Moldova. Only 7,6% of Moldovans living in the UK voted for the Communists party, while the 3 leading opposition parties registered over 80.9% of votes.
On Thursday, April 9th 2009, representatives of the Moldovan community in the UK will hold another peaceful protest in the Trafalgar Square, starting from 15:00.

8 April 2009

2 comentarii:

  1. Sa-i sustinem pana la capat, sunt fratii nostri si vor sa traiasca si ei liberi.

  2. Daca Europa n-ar fi si ea marxizata, in cazuri cum e cel al lui Voronin Tibunalul de la Haga ar trebui sa se autosesizeze!
    Comunismul, in noile lui travestiuri, beneficiaza in continuare de complicitatea sau lasitatea Europei, care se teme, spre deosebire de America, sa tulbure "ordinea ruseasca" a "Estului salbatic".
